How to Keep Your Fire Pit in Top Shape: Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Fire pits are an increasingly popular feature for patios and outdoor spaces, providing a cozy and inviting atmosphere for socializing and entertaining. Despite their popularity, fire pits are often neglected when it comes to maintenance and care. Proper care is essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of fire pits, as neglect can significantly reduce their lifespan. With the right attention, however, fire pits can last twice as long and continue to provide warmth and ambiance for years to come.

Elementi Plus Meteora Sandstone Fire Table-Patio Pelican

How to Clean and Maintain a Gas Fire Pit

Caring for your gas fire pit is not only effortless but also saves you time compared to a traditional fire pit. Unlike the latter, you don't have to spend hours cleaning the ashes and dust. However, it is important to note that you cannot neglect it completely, as the changing weather and accumulation of dirt can cause rust and affect its longevity. Although it may seem like an inconvenience, taking the time to maintain your fire pit will ensure that it remains in good condition and serves you for years to come.

To ensure that your fire pit remains in pristine condition for as long as possible, we have compiled a list of helpful tips for proper maintenance. It is crucial to first allow the fire pit to completely cool before beginning any maintenance tasks.

1. Do Not Pour Hot Water Into the Fire

It is not advisable to use water to extinguish a fire, as the sudden temperature change can lead to damage and corrosion of the metal. The sudden introduction of water to a hot fire pit can cause the metal to crack or break, resulting in a weakened structure. Additionally, the sudden cooling of the metal can cause it to deteriorate over time, potentially leading to further problems in the future.

2. Shut Off Your Gas Outlet

To safely turn off your fire pit, close the gas valve or shut off the gas line. If you are using a propane tank, be sure to remove it from the fire pit and store it in a well-ventilated area, preferably outside. However, before doing so, it is important to check with your city hall to ensure that it is permitted to store the propane tank inside or outside of your home. This is crucial for safety reasons, as you want to ensure that the propane tank is stored in a place where oxygen won't be displaced in confined areas.

3. Use Soap and Water

To ensure the proper maintenance of your fire pit table, it is important to wipe down the top and burner using a damp cloth with soap. This will help remove any dirt or grime that has accumulated over time. Additionally, it is recommended to cover the table with a vinyl or canvas cover to protect it from the elements when not in use. Before lighting the fire, it is crucial to check all the gas connections for any signs of leakage, as this could pose a serious safety hazard.

4. Remove Rocks, Leaves, Etc.

To properly maintain your fire pit, it is important to clean the burner pan and media of any debris, rocks, or leaves. Ensure that the drains and vents are not blocked by clogged material and that there are no insects present. For thorough cleaning, you can remove the fire glass to inspect for any other dirt or residue that may have accumulated. Note that the fire glass does not require cleaning.

5. Get a Cover for Your Fire Pit

Having a cover for your fire pit is an excellent idea to ensure its protection against various weather conditions such as rain, snow, and wind. While the use of a cover is optional, it is a great way to keep your fire pit in top condition. There are various options available, including weather-resistant covers made of vinyl, canvas, and stainless steel. It is recommended to cover your fire pit when it is not in use. However, it is important to ensure that the fire pit has cooled completely before placing the cover over it. This will prevent any potential accidents or damages.

6. Store Your Accessories

Before you pack up your gear for the night, it is important to take a moment to remove and properly store any accessories that you do not want to leave outside. This may include items such as wind guards, valve keys, or any other accessories that are important to your setup. Proper storage will ensure that your accessories are protected from the elements and ready for use the next time you need them. By taking this simple step, you can save yourself time and hassle in the future and maintain the longevity of your gear.

How to Clean and Maintain a Steel Fire Pit?

Steel fire pits are a popular addition to many outdoor living spaces. Not only do they provide warmth and light during cool evenings, but they also offer a great way to gather with friends and family. However, over time, the buildup of soot, ash, and debris can detract from the appearance and functionality of your fire pit. So, it's essential to keep your steel fire pit clean and well-maintained. Here are the steps you need to follow to ensure your fire pit stays in top condition.

1. Allow the Fire Pit to Cool

Before starting the cleaning process, it's crucial to allow the fire pit to cool completely. This process could take several hours, but it's crucial for your safety as well as the longevity of your fire pit. The steel will be hot to the touch and could cause serious burns, so it's essential to be patient and wait for it to cool.

2. Empty the Fire Pit

Once your fire pit has cooled, the next step is to empty it of any remaining ash, soot, or debris. You can use a shovel or scoop to remove the ashes, and place them in a metal can with a tight-fitting lid. Make sure you store the ash in a safe place, away from any flammable materials.

3. Clean the Interior of the Fire Pit

The interior of your fire pit should be cleaned regularly to remove soot buildup, which can clog the air vents and make it difficult to start a fire. To clean the interior, use a steel brush to scrub away any loose soot or ash. You can also use a soft cloth or brush to remove any remaining debris.

4. Clean the Exterior of the Fire Pit

The exterior of your fire pit can also become dirty over time due to exposure to the elements. To clean it, use a soft cloth or sponge and a mild detergent or soap to wipe away any dirt or grime. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the surface of your fire pit. Once you've finished cleaning the exterior, rinse it with clean water and dry it thoroughly to prevent rust and other types of corrosion.

5. Apply a Protective Coating

Finally, to protect your fire pit and keep it looking its best, apply a protective coating. You can use a high-heat resistant spray, such as a heat-resistant paint or a rust inhibitor. These products will help protect your fire pit from the elements and prevent rust and corrosion.

How to Clean and Maintain a Natural Stone Fire Pit?

Natural stone fire pits can bring a touch of elegance to any outdoor living space, but they also require proper maintenance to keep them looking their best. Over time, soot, ash, and other debris can accumulate on the surface of the stone, leaving it looking dingy and discolored. Fortunately, with a little elbow grease and the right tools, you can restore your natural stone fire pit to its former glory. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean a natural stone fire pit.

1. Clean Ash and Soot

The first step in cleaning your natural stone fire pit is to remove as much ash and soot as possible. This can be done with a soft-bristled brush or a vacuum. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from the ash and soot.

2. Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Next, prepare a cleaning solution by mixing water and a small amount of dish soap in a bucket. Or mix 1 part muriatic acid with 9 parts water. Be reminded that it is imperative to take necessary safety measures, such as wearing protective gloves, safety goggles, and long sleeves and pants, when using muriatic acid. Additionally, ensure that the cleaning is carried out in a well-ventilated area to avoid any health hazards. If you prefer not to use muriatic acid, you can also mix one-part grease-fighting dishwashing liquid with three parts warm or hot water and use it to scrub the fire pit. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the surface of the stone. 

3. Scrub the Stone

Using a non-abrasive sponge, scrub the stone with the cleaning solution, paying extra attention to areas with built-up grime. Be sure to rinse the sponge frequently to avoid spreading dirt around the surface.

4. Tackle Stains

If there are still stubborn stains on your natural stone fire pit, you may opt to mix white vinegar and baking soda. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and baking soda into a paste and apply it to the stained area. Let the paste sit for a few  minutes before scrubbing it with a non-abrasive sponge. Repeat the process as needed until the stain is removed.

5. Rinse the Stone

Once you’ve finished scrubbing the stone, rinse it thoroughly with water to remove any remaining soap and cleaning solution. Be sure to rinse the stone thoroughly to avoid leaving any residue that could cause future stains.

6. Dry the Stone

Finally, allow the stone to air dry completely. If there is any standing water, use a clean, soft cloth to blot it away. Avoid using a towel, as it may leave lint behind.

How to Clean and Maintain a Cast Iron Fire Pit

Cast-iron fire pits can become dirty and rusted over time, especially if not properly maintained. To keep your fire pit looking new and functioning properly, it is important to clean it regularly. 

1. Empty the Fire Pit

Before cleaning your cast iron fire pit, it is important to make sure that it is completely emptied of any ashes or debris. Use a shovel or a broom to scoop out the ashes and any other debris that may be inside the fire pit. If there are any leftover embers, use water to put them out completely.

2. Cleaning the Exterior

The exterior of the fire pit can be cleaned using a damp cloth or a mild soap solution. Make sure to wipe down the entire exterior, including the legs and any other visible parts. Be gentle and avoid using any harsh chemicals, as these can cause damage to the cast iron. If there are any rust spots on the exterior, use a wire brush to gently scrub them off.

3. Cleaning the Interior

The interior of the fire pit can be cleaned by pouring a small amount of cooking oil into it and wiping it down with a cloth. This will help to remove any soot or residue that may have accumulated on the interior surface. If the interior of your fire pit is heavily soiled, you may need to use a mild soap solution and a brush to scrub it clean.

4. Seasoning the Cast Iron

After cleaning the cast iron fire pit, it is important to season it to prevent rusting. To season the cast iron, heat the fire pit until it is hot to the touch. Then, use a cloth to apply a thin layer of cooking oil to the interior of the fire pit. Allow the fire pit to cool completely, then repeat the process two or three times. This will help to create a protective layer that will keep your cast iron fire pit from rusting.

5. Storing the Fire Pit

When not in use, it is important to store your cast iron fire pit properly to prevent rusting. If possible, store it in a dry, covered area. If that is not possible, cover the fire pit with a waterproof cover to keep it dry.

Patio Pelican’s Takeaways

Keeping your fire pit in top shape is a crucial task to ensure it lasts for years to come. Regular cleaning and maintenance will not only enhance its performance but also guarantee safety and longevity. Whether you're using it for cooking, heating, or simply to enjoy a night by the fire, the tips shared in this blog will help you keep your fire pit in the best condition. Remember, it's better to take the necessary steps to prevent rust, corrosion, and other damage, rather than wait until it's too late. So, don't wait, put these tips into practice, and enjoy a warm, cozy, and safe fire pit experience for years to come.