Real Flame

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    Real Flame® is a family-owned company based in Racine, Wisconsin that specializes in the design and production of indoor electric fireplaces, outdoor fire features, and outdoor furniture. Real Flame® was founded more than 25 years ago and its mission is simple: to make beautifully designed, good quality, safe fire features so consumers can experience the charm and comfort of a fireplace without any hassle.

    The company has expanded since then, and they now offer outdoor gas fire tables and bowls, wood-burning fire pits, and outdoor furniture. Through it all, Real Flame® has never lost sight of who they are or what they want to deliver to you: convenience, value, and beauty. Today, their fireplaces are in hundreds of thousands of homes and they're grateful for the numerous letters, pictures, and heart-warming stories from their customers who have enjoyed many Real Flame fires with family and friends!

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